Welcome to The North Italian Club, a community organization for individuals of Italian heritage and anyone who loves Italian culture. Our club works together for the betterment of the community through various volunteer efforts and outreach programs. We also host a variety of events throughout the year, including a delicious Polenta event, a Summer picnic, a Parade, and an Annual Mass to remember and honor our deceased members. Every third Wednesday of the month, we hold a monthly meeting with a potluck dinner where members bring food to share with the community. We invite you to join us and be a part of our vibrant Italian community at The North Italian Club.
Wm Alessandrini, Leopoldo Betocchi, Primo Bertolo, Verginio Bianchio, Ernesto Bosa, Antonio Cozzarin, Davide Cozzarin, Ambrogio Del Col, Antonio De Roia, Luigi De Roia, Leo Frigo, Frank Girardi, Guiseppe Marson, Pietro Martin, Dante Molinari, Umberto Paquola, Charles Sasena, Frederico Vettor, John Vettor, Steffano Vettor.

North Italian Club Officers
Jim Lucchese - President
Alicia Cilberto - Vice President
Angie Shinn - Secretary
Laura Conroy - Treasurer
Mary Lou Schwab - Financial Secretary
Arlene Siley - Corresponding Secretary
Joe Lucchese Jr. - 3 Year Trustee
Matt Vittardi - 3 Year Trustee
Art Basso - 2 Year Trustee
Eleanor Zenda - 2 Year Trustee
Dan Oprea - 1 Year Trustee